Lesson-1 (Introduction to HTML)


The first page of the web site is called the Home Page. The Home Page is like the drawing room of our house or the reception area of an office. It normally has the logo of the company, with a pleasant background, having several hot text. We can proceed further by clicking the approapriate hot text.

The acronym for Hyper Text markup Language is HTML. It is documentation language to mark the headings, titles, tables etc. It is a universal language to design a static web page. It is machine independent and all internet browsers accepts HTML code.


The seed for HTML was shown by IBM in the early1980s. They wanted to set a documentation system in which one could mark the title, headings, paragraphs and font type selection.They called it General Mark-up language(GML).In 1986 the International Stanardising Organization (ISO)took up this concept and standarzied it as standard Generlised Mark-up Language(SGML).In 1989 ,Tim Berners Lee and his team in the European Laboratory for Particle Physics(CERR) designed the present form of the documentatoin language and called it HTML.


The oldest version of HTML is called 0. This is read either as HTML version 0 or HTML level 0. HTML 1 is an upgradation of HTML 0.It has new tags for highlightes a text and displaying images.In HTML 2,edit boxes,list boxes,and buttons were introduced.In HTML 3,flexible figure handling procedures were included It also supports mathematical equations,formulas,a banner area and has several other intersting features.It also makes makes table forulation easy.The present version in use is HTML 4.0.


Using HTML,we can create static web pages. Every HTML document has the following two sections:

The head begins with the <HEAD> tag and ends with </HEAD> tag.In the head section,the Title is most important item.The Title begins with <TITLE> and ends with </TITLE>.The body begains with <BODY>and ends with </BODY>.Headings be created with tags H1,H2...,H6.H1 will make it smaller and H3 will make it smaller,and so on.For example,if we want "Computers"to apper as a big heading,we type
<h1>Computers </h1>.