Lesson-11 (Cursor Properties)
Here are some explanations and examples of the css cursor properties. These may not yet work in Netscape. You may want to use IE4+ to view the examples on this page.
With style sheets, you can change the cursor when the mouse moves over a certain area or over a link. The command is just:
Where we will replace "type" with the type of cursor we want. So, let's say we want a crosshair (looks like a cross) when someone moves over a link. We just add the style="cursor:crosshair" attribute to the link tag:
<A HREF="#" style="cursor:crosshair">A Cross Link</A>
You can do it over text as well. You can define a class or just drop it inline with a span tag:
<SPAN style="cursor:wait">Should You Wait for This?</SPAN>
This will give us the old hourglass as if we are waiting on something when we mouse over the text. Try it out below:
Should You Wait for This?
There are some other cursor types as well. Here is a list of the other types of cursors you can use, move your mouse over the text on the right side to see the example:
Cursor Type |
Example (Move Mouse Over Text) |
auto |
Shows it according to how the viewer has it set (plain) |
crosshair |
Looks like a cross |
default |
Makes the cursor stay the same |
move |
Looks like you should be moving something |
hand |
The hand you usually see over links |
help |
A question mark beside the arrow |
text |
The bar you see when the mouse is over text |
wait |
The "waiting" hourglass! |
n-resize |
An arrow- North |
s-resize |
An arrow- South |
e-resize |
An arrow- East |
w-resize |
An arrow- West |
ne-resize |
An arrow- NorthEast |
nw-resize |
An arrow- NorthWest |
se-resize |
An arrow- SouthEast |
sw-resize |
An arrow- SouthWest |